"The longest journey starts with a call to orange"

A review of Orange PLC by Ketih moore written on Tuesday 1st of April 2008


If this isnt the longest journey of all time. I met a girl that couldnt pronounce her own name (Natalee) Im sure her parents (if she had any) christened her Natalie. Perhaps she wasn't Christened, In a mad multi cultural society she may not believe in that particular god. I also got to know a few other people. Perhaps Im being a little harsh on Natalie because I also met a guy whoes name I just couldn't understand. At best it was the chemical symbol for Magnesium. Another guys name was just 6 consonants in a row. Needless to say my experience started slowly and petered out. Never really got to speak to a cognitive thinking human. Call centers another great idea..

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Orange PLC

Map showing Orange PLC on The Lawn