A review of Mad Andy's Game Station by Madandy written on Friday 19th of January 2007


You guys are all my heroes!!!!

Are you my customers? You must be.

Are you my friends? Hopefully always!!!

I can't believe how much your support has moved me.

I've known always that I am nothing without your friendship.

Sometimes I know I forget names, but I never forget the person!!

I don't think I will forget the names of "D-LIGHTED"

" THE YOOFS".."TICH".. " JAMIE"...and WOW!! an actual


You guys may not think you've done anything special, but you have!!!! Please accept my grattitude, thanks, and renewd belief in human society!!

One of my greatest rewards in this job is when I get

an old "kid" coming in to the shop and saying

" I remember when I was this high and I exchanged this game for that game" Yes it makes me feel old,

but it makes me feel proud that I have left fond memmories for you to look back on.

Thank you "old kids" !! I personally believe that everyone of you has a bright future in front of you if you learn from your mistakes{ and let's face it, everyone, including me,learns excactly the same way}

ie "who remembers stealing their first sweet" listen to your friends interests and problems , put yourself in their shoes. You can solve their problems as well as yours in one swoop.It can't be done on the spot,it has to be slept on.

Sorry,I degress.

To all you mums and dads,I have nothing but admiration for your belief in me that I will try and make your kids life a little more fun and give you a little more time out! Thank you!!

I know I have missed out loads of friends i have met in the shop,but you all know who you are, I have had a laugh with all of you.Long may it continue!!!!!!!

thank you thank you



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Mad Andy's Game Station

Map showing Mad Andy's Game Station on Stanley Road