"Make up your own mind!"

A review of Mad Andy's Game Station by Mr. Blues written on Tuesday 23rd of January 2007


Is it me or is the world going mad???

There's little enough honesty and good will around today without the small minority trying to drag down those who are just trying to make an honest living.

If you want to know why Mad Andy's has not fallen victim to the large game store outlets, like so many other shops before, just pay an 'open minded' visit to him and you'll find out.

You will soon discover how fair, honest and polite he will be towards you. One important customer relations point to remember.....if you're impolite or unfair to a customer, not only might you lose that customer, but you might well lose the potential custom of anyone they tell.

If Mad Andy buys a game off you and sells it on for more, don't be fooled. That's not ripping you off, that's business and maybe one or two people might realise that when they grow up. If you're looking for charity, then go to a charity shop.

But like I said, don't take my word for it. Just pay Mad Andy's a visit and see for yourselves. .

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Mad Andy's Game Station

Map showing Mad Andy's Game Station on Stanley Road