"Amazing friendly and very professional "

A review of Hetherington Group Practice by Craig Godfrey written on Tuesday 26th of July 2011


No-one likes going to the doctors, but i can honestly say i was so impressed with the Hetherington Group Practice

i rang at 4pm and with out even being registered at the practice the very helpful lady (sue?) on the telephone asked if i could make it there in 10 minutes, on arrival the practice was clean tidy and friendly the reception staff were great, and i was seen within 4 minutes of checking in i saw the practice nurse Pamela Fleming who was amazing she really listened and gave me some great advice along with additional dressing for my injury,

a few days later i needed to speak to a doctor,

this was no problem the dr rang at the exact time stated, Dr Adrian McLaughlin was outstanding

Thank you all it seems rare to find such service anywhere (especially in London)


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Hetherington Group Practice

Map showing Hetherington Group Practice on Hetherington Road