"I am Joel Levack, as in The Levack bit..."

A review of Hames Levack by Joel Levack written on Saturday 28th of January 2012


We ran Hames Levack or HAMESLEVACK or HAMES LEVACK or basically, there was so so sooooo many ways of spelling it. It started technically in 1990. At school. Then 'professionally' I. 1997, when we sold our first work in Leeds, thanks to Judith Levin. Etc. then in 2001 we wrote a thing and in 2003 we got some cash (Paul from SF, CA), and with a lot of help from the rents and from friends we launched a 'pop up' gallery before the term pop up. 03 was tough, 04 was tougher, 05 was breeze, and then.... Well in 2005, Pete Hames left and Levack continued with Becky Moll, Lynn, Jack, Kim and my dear dear friend Philip, who basically had to 'learnt be me for a week. Brother Samuel of course, and then the infamous Louis Weiss and Rosie. All good, but as the top google hit, and having had a few beers at 5.30 in the a.m. I thought I better clarify. HAMES LEVACK. The end, for now... Joel xx.

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Hames Levack

Map showing Hames Levack on Conduit Street