"Worst customer service"

A review of Satyam Sweet Mart by Harry written on Friday 26th of April 2013


Today i have experienced the worst customer care; I had called to make an order and wanted to have an extra sauce that is all. First of all the person i had spoken to take the order over the phone was rude and would not accept order, he was insisting that i had enough sauce when i requested extra. Surely a restaurant must provide customer care to meet the requirements of a customer and make them feel comfortable in what they are buying or even give a option to what is available to meet their needs. In this case this did not happen i even did not get a apology for what had happened i had gone to collect the order and seen the main person in charge of the restaurant he to did not even apologies for this. I have been a old customer of satyam and have never experience a case like this in the past it looks to me that they need to work on customer care. Now i would rethink of ordering from Satyam..

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Satyam Sweet Mart

Map showing Satyam Sweet Mart on Queensbury Station Parade