"I worked in your hotel"

A review of Gloucester House Hotel by Sebastián written on Monday 23rd of April 2007


Hi . I would like to say hello to Miss France and her lovely sister . I was working in your Hotel about May to Augost of 1992 ( maybe 1993 ) and I keep an excellent remember of that experience. I come from Chile and these ladies were very polite to receiveme for working in her Hotel. In those times there were a lot of nationalities working in the Hotel( most of theme europeans ) so to me was a very intersting experience. I have to say that the ladies had a very strong personality and I can`t forget the advertising in the wall that it says something like `Here we give phisocological treatment" or the photograph of several black box fighters. Even the hard work, it was an unforgeteble experience. I would be very glad if you can tell me what happend to your Hotel and his people.

Bye Bye.

Sebastián Ernst V.

e-mail : jsernst@terra.cl

Adress: Quilapán 6850 - Huechuraba - Santiago - Chile

Phone : 56-2-7210902


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Gloucester House Hotel

Map showing Gloucester House Hotel on Cavendish Road