
A review of London Sovereign by Annonymous written on Wednesday 23rd of January 2008


I feel annoyed that so many sovereign drivers on H9/10 & 114 buses allow 3 sometimes 4 open,large pushchair/prams,they block the aisle, entrance/exits & stairs,making it difficult for other passengers,especially elderly or handicapped people.I dread to think what would happen in an emergency or accident,when passengers would have to leave quickly.I brought this subject up with local bus managers & was told that while only 2 are officially allowed their drivers are told not to get involved in an argument,[so many just dont bother].If it is O.K.for pushchair users to break the rules what is there to stop other rules being broken.Rules are there for a good reason,to prevent accidents/emergencies


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London Sovereign

Map showing London Sovereign on Pinner Road