"A great experience"

A review of 13th South Hall (Sikh) Scout Group by Talwinder Kaur Rayit written on Sunday 2nd of March 2008


I am a member of 13th southall sikh scouts, i joined the group as a scout and now am a member of the network section, Also i am a leader of the beaver section which contains children from 6-8 year olds. it is a great oppurtunity for the sikh population to have a chance to grow and teach our children survival skills. This scout group odverall invites anyone to come join no matter of race or gender. it keep the children off the streets and gets them go gain skills, build confidence, meet new people and it is a reconised skill which can be recorded for future reference as on the university application. Everyone should try out the experience once in life. xxx.

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13th South Hall (Sikh) Scout Group

Map showing 13th South Hall (Sikh) Scout Group on Allenby Road