"Good location & clean bedrooms"

A review of Linden House Hotel by R Meredith written on Sunday 5th of October 2008


The hotel is located apporx 300m from Paddington Tube station making it a great location to sight see. The reception area was very welcoming but we were in room 16 which was up 5 flights of narrow stairs - the decor on the way up was not as nice as the reception and it looks like they are carrying out some refurbishments. Our room was clean and the bathroom newly refurbed. Unfortunately our water was cut off one night at midnight meaning we couldn't shower or use the toilet and it was too late to call anyone out. The night receptionist gave us bottled water and a full kettle of water. Breakfast was cereal, toast and boiled eggs but the breakfast room was a bit compact. All in all, for the price, we got what we paid for. I would stay again purely for the location..

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Linden House Hotel

Map showing Linden House Hotel on Sussex Place