Lord Chesterfield

Previous page: Duchess of Kendal (Ermengard de Schulemberg)

On his marriage, Lord Chesterfield took the house next door to that of the Duchess of Kendal and resided there from 1733 to 1750, having moved from 18 St. James's Square.

On 4th September 1741 he wrote to Bubb Dodington as follows: "If the Duke of Argyle sounds to battle I will follow my leader; if he stays in Oxfordshire, I'll stay in Grosvenor Square."

It was here, and not at the better known Chesterfield House in Mayfair, that Dr. Johnson "waited in your outward rooms or was repulsed from your doors" (as he phrased it in the celebrated letter he addressed to Lord Chesterfield). The letter was written on 7th February 1755, and the Doctor explicitly mentioned the period of seven years since his ill—usage, which would make the date of it 1749.

Next page: Crime in The Square