"Dalson Mills Fabrics"

A review of Dalston Mill Fabrics by Judith Rhys Salyer written on Monday 18th of May 2009


I sent an email to the address on the Dalston Mills Fabrics website and it was immediately returned. This same thing happened sending an email to both customer service and the ordering address. If the company is in business then why does this happen? I have found no other website for this company. I initially found the company because I was looking for a certain brocade fabric and I found it on their website. The weird thing is, I sent away for samples of this brocade and I received them! AND the email address and the phone number are the same as the website on the letter head that came with the sample!

I think Dalston Mills needs to either respond to queries or put a new email address on their site. I would like to order this fabric but I am now afraid of being scammed. I intend to call the phone number during UK business hours and see what happens. I am in the USA.

Let me know what you all think.


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Dalston Mill Fabrics

Map showing Dalston Mill Fabrics on Ridley Road