"Incredibly effective practitioner."

A review of Linda Gartland by Mike Harmon written on Sunday 28th of February 2021


I visited Linda for ongoing treatments for over a year before I moved away from the area. The idea was to see her once a month for deep issues but she could be contacted anytime between for other issues such as hayfever and so on.

She has great empathy and understanding. Her diagnoses of me were so spot on - even to knowing that I would research the tablets she gave me after the first session. I did, and she knew I would. We discussed that issue of me needing to understand - maybe more like control - every aspect. I decided to relinquish that and I was so glad I did.

I can honestly say that working with Linda Gartland for that year changed my life forever. I honestly recommend her..

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Linda Gartland

Map showing Linda Gartland on Finsen Road