Other Notable Residents of Grosvenor Square

Previous page: The Bentley Boys

Other notable residents of Grosvenor Square not mentioned so far include:

  • Sir Lionel Darell (to whom it will be remembered George III gave a piece of ground adjoining Ancaster House, Richmond Park), who was mentioned in a Directory for 1798 as a Director of the East India Company and as living in the square.
  • Countess of Pembroke, who occupied No. 44.
  • Earl of Hertford and Lord Bernard - stated as residents of the square in the New Review of London for 1728
  • Sir Edward Jerningham - who wrote to his sister Charlotte in 1785, dating the letter from Grosvenor Square.
  • The Hon. Edward Petre, a friend of Lord William Pitt Lennox, who mentions him in his Reminiscences, also had a house there.
  • The Brinsley Sheridans, who Hayward records an invitation to dine with in 1838, who were then living in the Square.

  • Next page: Residents of Grosvenor Square in 1751