"Dave Wings was the owner of the Dave's Gym back in 1978"

A review of Blitz Gym by Raj written on Thursday 5th of March 2015


Hi, I started training at Dave's Gym, when Phil used to run it, then a couple by the name Ben and Patricia, I still have lots of memories about the place..Red wooden floors, large mirrors everywhere, made the place look decent, also I still remember the quote 'No Pain, No Gain' and ' A Winner never Quits and a Quitter never Wins', this is stuck in my head forever.

The shower room was small and was located behind the main lower floor, above which was the second floor, this is where there was a punch bag and some exercise boards to do situps at an incline or flat, , a staircase lay besides the showers, that led to the second floor.

I still smell the Kerosine heaters that used to keep the place warm during the winter chill outside.

I remember a fellow by the name of 'Chips', 'Terry Goddard', Steve and Allen these two were body builders, but I think that Allen was a power lifter, also Cecil my trainer and my boost, I remember Dave Wings as his body was well a V shape, nice cuts, he used to do weights as well as used to Hang , doing chinups, the only time that he had come after me was when he thought that I was drinking 'Emprote Plus' from his inventory, but he soon came to see that I carried different flavours in my van.

Dave's club has left me with very fond memories, it was only 50p , pay as you go, there was no membership that I could remember.

I am 59 years old and very strong, Raj.


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Blitz Gym

Map showing Blitz Gym on Eastcote Lane