Lord Canterbury

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At a later date Lord Canterbury, who as Manners Sutton was at one time Speaker of the House of Commons, resided in the Square.

In 1832, Manners-Sutton was proposed as Premier, but, according to Charles Greville, at a meeting at Apsley House he "talked such incredible nonsense that when he was gone they all (the Duke of Wellington, Lyndhurst, Baring, Ellenborough, Aberdeen, etc.) lifted up their hands and with one voice pronounced the impossibility of forming any government under such a head."

However, he appears to have made a more successful Speaker, as he was twice elected to that position before being rewarded with the Peerage, which Greville maliciously hints was his chief aim in life.

This honour came to him in 1835, and ten years later he was described in the Times as having

"possessed all the advantages of a commanding presence, and that winning grace of manner for which our language affords no precise epithet," while, during his first tenure of the office of Speaker, Lord Folkestone, writing to Creevey, said "We all like our new Speaker most extremely; he is gentlemanlike and obliging."

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