Lady Isabella Finch

Previous page: No. 44 Berkeley Square

Among Lady Isabella Finch's visitors here was Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who wrote to Lady Pomfret in 1738 saying "I passed two very agreeable evenings last week with Lady Bell Finch."

Another of her guests was Horace Walpole, who on 5th June 1764 wrote to the Hon. H. S. Conway: "We had a funereal loo last night in the great chamber at Lady Bell Finch's; the Duke, Princess Emily, and the Duchess of Bedford were there."

Lady Isabella is not of course to be confused with her sister-in-law, Lady Charlotte Finch (née Berkeley), who married the Hon. William Finch, second son of the sixth Earl of Winchelsea, and whose name also frequently occurs in letters of the period.

Next page: Lord Brougham