Lord Brougham

Previous page: Lady Isabella Finch

Lord Brougham lived Four doors down at No. 48 from 1830 to 1834. Two years later he was at No. 21 - which was formerly the residence of Lady Anne Barnard - where he lived until 1837.

It was when walking round the Square with Lord Albemarle early on the day on which he was offered the Lord Chancellorship, that, as Charles Gore told Haydon, a packet of letters was brought out. Brougham put all into his pocket except one;

"This I must read," he said to Lord Albemarle; "it is from my mother." He read it and said "She advises me against taking the Chancellorship, but to be content and remain member for Yorkshire."

"This," said Haydon, "was a fine trait;" though whether he refers to Brougham's anxiety to read his mother's letter, or to the advice contained in it, is not quite clear.

Next page: No. 48 Berkeley Square